Postpartum depression is finally receiving the recognition and attention it warrants. Moms, dads, and society at large is acknowledging that giving birth to a baby is a massive life change. The truth is, for many of us this massive life change comes with a side of debilitating symptoms that interfere with our ability to adjust.
If you are having a hard time adjusting to parenthood, you are not alone. If you are wondering whether you might be experiencing postpartum depression, keep reading.
What is postpartum depression?
Postpartum depression is a group of symptoms (or signs) that indicate when a mom (or dad) is suffering too much. These symptoms are bothersome and cause us to wonder, “Is this normal?” They also get in the way of our ability to function in daily life.
What are the symptoms of postpartum depression?
Some hallmark symptoms used to identify postpartum depression include:
Feeling overwhelmed by being a parent
Irritation, anger, and even rage toward the baby or others around you
Feeling sad, having difficulty enjoying anything
Feeling guilty about how you’re feeling, how you’re acting, how you’re parenting
Crying more than usual, sometimes for no apparent reason
Having regretful thoughts about becoming a parent
Feeling disconnected from the baby
Feeling numb and detached
Unable to eat or eating way too much
Restless at night and difficulty sleeping when your baby is sleeping
Forgetful, unable to concentrate, unable to think clearly
Thoughts about hurting yourself or the baby
Postpartum depression is NOT the “baby blues” which is a temporary period of emotional ups and downs that ends around two weeks after the baby is born.
How to know if I have postpartum depression?
Ask yourself:
How often have I been feeling this way?
For how long have I been feeling this way? Days? Weeks? Months?
Do these feelings get in the way of my ability to function in daily life?
Are these feelings making it harder to enjoy parenthood?
Are these feelings interfering with my family relationships?
You can also take a screening measure, called the Edinburg Postnatal Depression Scale. Instructions for completing the measure, as well as for scoring are included. Please be sure to take the measure yourself and not ask others for their input, so as not to bias your responses. This measure alone doesn't diagnose PPD, but it can be a place to start better understanding your symptoms.
If you suspect that you might have postpartum depression, it is never too early to seek treatment. Many mothers with postpartum depression suffer for too long before seeking help.
Parenthood is challenging, but without the extra burden of postpartum depression it can be much, much less difficult, and much more fulfilling and enjoyable.
At Bloom Psychology, Dr. Anna Yam specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of postpartum depression, as well as prenatal and postpartum anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. With treatment, most mothers with postpartum depression get better. To schedule a free consultation with Dr. Yam, get in touch.